
  • Jokes

    Joke Time! 🥠

    Whats the most expensive cookie in the world? Fortune cookies! There are many claims and stories about where the cookies really came from. The original fortune cookies came from Japan and are still sold today. They’re much bigger and made with sesame and miso, creating a more browner dough and a savory taste. The fortune is wedged in folds of the cookie rather than inside of it. The cookies we know and love today actually originated in America. Born in Japan, Makoto Hagiwara was hired to take care of the tea garden for the 1894 worlds fair after it closed. He claims to have introduced the new version of fortune…

  • Jokes

    Joke Time! 🍩

    This joke actually originated while treating ourselves with valentines day gifts at a department store in Solvang (everything valentines was on sale since it the day had already passed). We were looking for a substitute for big rolls of paper to create a month planner when came across these jumbo valentines day cards with donuts on them (I know right?) We were gonna paint or draw over them, but It was only later when we realized the joke written on the inside. It’s now become a sort of family joke. What did the donut say to his loved one? I love you so much! You DONUT even know! The first…

  • Jokes

    Joke Time! 🍝

    It’s time for another joke. If you’re new to my website and joke posts, you’re in for a treat. If you’re not knew… you’re still in for a treat. What kind of food has a long history? Past-a! Anyone would recognize this food. Eaten around the world, pasta can be used to make loads of dishes and recipes. Lasagna, Tortellini, Rigatoni, Ravioli, Casseroles, and Mac & Cheese! It’s amazing. The first records of pasta date back to the 1st century of AD and describe it as a flat, layered dough sometimes eaten with meet stuffed inside. It was called Lagana and similar recipe is used to make today’s Lasagna. It…

  • Jokes

    Joke Time! 🦕

    What kind of dinosaur can talk really fast? A Rap-tor The Velociraptor in 1924 by Henry Osborn. It’s been said that it could run at a speed of 40 miles per hour. Many people may think that raptors had scaly skins but in truth, they more likely had feathers. To support this, raptor bones show that their arms had joints like birds and quill knobs for feathers. No wonder birds are decedents of dinosaurs. Image by Adam Baines

  • Jokes

    Joke Time! 🏨

    What did the tourist say when he walked into his hotel room? Suite! Fun fact: The oldest hotel in the world goes by the named of Nisiyama Onsen Keiunkan, located in Japan. It dates back all the way to 707 AD and has been run by the same family for 46 generations! Ever since I was a kid, i’d love going to hotels. There’s just something about them. But some hotels are weirder than others. And I mean crazy weird. Mountain hotels, under water hotels, igloo hotels, an airplane hotel. The list goes on and on.

  • Jokes

    Joke Time 🥧

    It’s time for another one of my awesome jokes. It was a piece of cake making up this one, or should I say, a piece of pie… What’s a mathematician’s favorite dessert? Pie! Pie Did you you know that the pasty pie, and the symbol of pi, both came from Greece? Romans borrowed the idea (when they took over Greece) and made the first pie that was made with sweet ingredients like honey and goat cheese, while the greeks made their pie with meat. One of the first fruit pies was made in the 1500s. It was Queen Elizebeth who was served a cherry pie. Now pies can be found…

  • Jokes

    Joke time 🐆

    Why do cheetah’s always seem to win games? Because their such Cheat-ah’s. Cheetah’s are known as the fastest land animals in the world, reaching a speed of about 58 miles per hour. In all, they’re second to the sailfish, which can travel in the water at 68 mph, while the peregrine falcon can dive at 240 mph, faster than any other animal on earth. Fun fact: A Cheetah named Sarah placed the world record of fasted cheetah to run the 100 meter dash, completing it in 5.95 seconds. That’s faster than Usain Bolt! Champion sprinter and the fastest man alive.

  • Jokes

    Joke Time! 🥜

    Its time for another joke! This one’s a nutty one. Ha! You get it? Cause this joke is about a nut. A joke inside of a joke! Joke-ception! Here we go! What material did the king use to build his castle? Wall-nuts! Funny right? Here are some facts about walnuts… Walnuts date back all the way to 10,000 BC, making them the oldest known tree food in the world. They’re also the only nut that has Omega-3 fats, and therefore, are very good for the brain. So eat your nuts kids! Make sure to stay tuned for more jokes and other posts.

  • Jokes

    Joke Time! 🐴 💵

    Even though I’ve finished my 90 day blog post challenge, that doesn’t mean I’ll stop posting my jokes, and who knows? Maybe this joke will be the thing that brightens up your day. It’s good to laugh every once and awhile, especially now. Alright here we go! What did the horse say to the tax collector who he didn’t like? I can’t pay that, but I’ll give you a buck! If you’ve ever been near a horse, you probably know that even though they can be gentle, they’re strong creatures. Especially when they buck. Horses are actually one of the top few animals that have the strongest kicks in the…

  • Jokes

    Joke Time 🐓 💰

    What kind of currency do you cook? Golden Nuggets! Chicken Fact: Chicken Nuggets were invented in 1950 by Robert C. Baker (kind of an appropriate name). Before they were named nuggets, they were called Chicken Crispe’s. Gold fact: The biggest piece of gold ever found is called the Welcome Stranger. Discovered in 1969, by John Deason, in Moliagul, Victoria, Australia, it weighs 2,520 troy ounces and is worth 3 to 4 million dollars.