What is a joke?
What is a joke? It’s a phrase, or a made up story made to make you laugh. Some are good, some aren’t, and some are so bad they’re funny. Hopefully, you’ve experience laughter in some point in your life. It’s a blissful feeling.
I had recently watched the movie The Croods for the first time. To my surprise is was really good, and kind of fits this current time (if you know what I mean). The world is literally coming apart and a family must leave behind their old beliefs and embrace this new way of living. It had a powerful message about following the light, not hiding in the face of danger, and doing things in a new way.

In one of the scenes, the character Guy (yes, that’s his name) tells the family of Croods a joke. “And so the bear said, Your cave? I’ve been dumping my bones here since last week.” They all laughed. One of the family members asked “That’s a funny story.”
Guy responded “Its not a story, it’s a joke.”
“What’s a joke?”
“You know, just making something up to make you laugh.”
That’s exactly what it is. In doing my Joke Posts, I’ve been able to find ordinary words, and give them a funny twist. It brings out the humor in the everyday life. I believe laughter, is one of the greatest things on earth. I love to laugh. I don’t know if you can tell?
The oldest documented joke to be found, dates back to 1900 BC. Laughing has been part of are history for ages. Jokes and humor can also be shared with different cultures, countries and people around the world. It’s a way of emotional connection, and it’s something we all understand.

Plus, It’s been proven that a full on laugh, can relax your muscles and reduce stress for up to 45 minutes! Laughter can reduce disease, improve your oxygen, heart and mind. So why wouldn’t you laugh? Laughing also exercises your abs! So now you know how to get a six pack. So, especially during this time, what joy can you find in, and surrounding your life?
