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    2020 Week 18 Recap – A Message From The Turtle

    Welcome to the 18th Week Recap of YouCanCallMeJoshua! What are some of the highlights you’ve experience this week? Anything you’ve discovered or projects you started? For me, I’ve been listening to some great audiobooks like Pages & Co: The Lost Fairy Tales, had calls with friends and family, and I’ve continued working on my book, Young Achievers, that I started through Bestseller in a Weekend. Here are all the posts from last week… 2020 Week 17 Recap Joke Time! 🦕 Young Achiever Group 5 I want to tell you about something magical that happened a few days ago. These are some tough times and everyone seems to have their own…

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    2020 Week 12 Recap

    It’s time for the 12th, 2020 Week Recap! Another week has passed! Whether you’re quarantined at home, or… well most of the world is quarantined, so there really isn’t an option, but I think we can we can still find opportunities to find joy, and creativity. For me, I’ve enjoyed listening to my audiobooks, called a few friends, built some awesome LEGO sets, watched the movie Onward, with actor Tom Holland, and attended another online dance party, hosted by my friend, ShoeBoxMoses, AKA Sammy. Leave any highlights from your week in the comments below. Here are all my previous posts… 2020 Week 11 Recap Young Achiever Group 4 Ranger’s Apprentice,…

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    2020 Week 03 Recap

    Welcome to another week recap! This last week went by so fast with so many great experiences. Built some awesome LEGO sets, continuing to read Star Wars Force Collector which is turning out to be a really cool book. Did you know that today is one of the rare days with palindrome dates? It’s 0202 in 2020. Isn’t that cool! But the biggest thing of all was… MY 15TH BIRTHDAY! I got to spend it with my family and went out with friends to celebrate. It was so awesome. Leave some highlights of your week in the comments below. Here are last weeks posts. 2020 Week 02 Recap Stonehenge Autumn…

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    2020 Week 01 Recap

    It’s time for a weekly roundup. So much has happened these past 7 days. I’ve written posts, chilled out, hung out with friends and family, saw the full moon and much more. While writing my daily blog posts for the 90-day challenge, there were times when I questioned what I should write about. But once I figured it out, I was always happy with the end result. What I’m Writing Here are the blog posts I released this week: Animals: The New Generation The Universe and You Cake Day British Columbia Travel Diary Young Achiever Tom Holland Athens Travel Diary LEGO Mission Impossible Helicopter Chase Peril of the President Mini…