
  • Writing

    Ranger’s Apprentice

    Ranger’s Apprentice is my favorite book series of all time. I’ve read all 11 books including the two prequels and three sequels, twice! I recommend it to everyone. It’s the book that inspired parts of my own book and willed me to continue. The first Ranger’s Apprentice book, The Ruins of Gorlan, takes place in the kingdom of Araluen in the medieval ages. Will, a small, 15-year-old orphan boy living in the castle ward has a dream to become a dashing knight. But on the day of the choosing ceremony, where wards get the chance to be accepted in the craft of their dreams, he’s rejected. Instead, his whole life…

  • Writing

    NaNoWriMo 2019

    In 2019, I attended NaNoWriMo. National Novel Writing Month. This is where adults, teens and kids come together to write an entire book in the month of November. Anywhere from 30,000 to 100,000 words. It can be fantasy, thriller, adventure, memoir, just about anything. I had done NaNoWriMo before in 2018 for my first book, Animals: A New Generation. But for 2019, I took on a new book, LEGO Master. I had started it the year before, but I decided it was time to finish it. When November came around, we were in the city of Edinburgh, Scotland. Did you know that Scotland’s national animal is a unicorn? No I’m…

  • Writing

    ANIMALS: A New Generation, Book Excerpt 2

    This is the second book excerpt from my book ANIMALS: A New Generation. When I was 10 years old I had an idea for a book (I actually had a lot of ideas, but this was one of the first ones I acted on). My book, Animals, is a story about a 16-year-old boy named Aiden who discovers that he’s part of a centuries old lineage called the Animal Elders. The Animal Elders are warriors that can transform into their spirit animal. Joining up with a girl who seems to know a lot, and a mysterious bird, they come together to form the new generation of Animal Elders… just in time to…

  • Writing

    Animals: The New Generation Excerpt 1

    When I was 10 years old I had an idea for a book (I actually had a lot of ideas but this was one of the first ones I acted on). I call it Animals: The New Generation. I got the idea for the book from the books I read and movies I watched. Over time as I started getting more into reading, I came across storylines that gave me ideas for my own writing. One example is the Rangers Apprentice series by John Flanagan. Those are some of my favorite books. My book Animals is a story about a 16 year old boy named Aiden who discovers that he’s…