Animals: The New Generation Excerpt 1
When I was 10 years old I had an idea for a book (I actually had a lot of ideas but this was one of the first ones I acted on). I call it Animals: The New Generation.
I got the idea for the book from the books I read and movies I watched. Over time as I started getting more into reading, I came across storylines that gave me ideas for my own writing. One example is the Rangers Apprentice series by John Flanagan. Those are some of my favorite books.
My book Animals is a story about a 16 year old boy named Aiden who discovers that he’s part of a centuries old lineage called the Animal Elders. Warriors that can transform into their spirit animal. Joining up with a girl who seems to know a lot and a mysterious bird, they come together to form the new generation of Animal Elders. Just in time to stop evil forces arising. Here is a short excerpt from the book.

When the fight was over, the bird named Stephon was the only survivor. “In all the years of my battles,” he said to himself, “I have never died alongside my allies.”
500 years later…
“Are you sure they’re ready?” She asked. The bird nodded. “The time has come. The Animal Elders must be reborn…”
CHAPTER 1: The Bird
Aiden woke up to his alarm clock. It was an early spring morning in Washington state which usually meant rain but today it was super sunny. People in Washington always took advantage of the weather so it was going to be a busy day. Aiden and his family lived in a small town by the coast about an hour drive from Seattle, the main city of Washington.
End of excerpt.
I hope you enjoyed this sneak preview of Animals: The New Generation. If you are interested in more of the story, I am looking for early readers so email me at Hello @ youcancallmejoshua.com. Enjoy the rest of your day and keep on writing.
