
  • Films

    Ranger’s Apprentice, The Movie

    Ever since I read the first book in the Ranger’s Apprentice series, I was immediately hooked. The personality of the characters, the action, adventure, and dire moments. Warlords, traitors, nomads, knights, cults, desert tribes, Skandians (the vikings of this world) and so much more. I teared up many times through out the series. When I read most books, being a filmmaker, I always think of how the scenes would out in a movie. With these books, I always imagined what it would look like on the big screen. How would it be shot? Where would the filming locations be? And I also had my own ideas for the cast. Here’s…

  • Films


    There are many names that describe these fantastical creatures. Yeti, Mountain man, but most know them by the Abominable. I recently got the chance to see the new Abominable movie. It was so good! The story is about a yeti who possesses magical powers. Lost in the city of Beijing far from his home, he stumbles across a girl who is also struggling to find her place. On the run from a scientific organization, they take off across China to Mount Everest, towards the yeti’s home. With every step closer to the Himalayas, the yeti, now named Everest and his magical powers grow stronger as he discovers his true potential.…

  • Films

    Heroes of Tomorrow Mini Movie

    They’re, brave. They’re fierce. They’re corky, they’re…kids? Yep it’s the Heroes of Tomorrow! The idea for this came after watching the trailer for Shazam about a kid who discovers he has super powers. It was during our last month in Seattle before we set off on our 2019 nomadic trip in Europe. I had wanted to make a mini movie and it was when I was discussing ideas with my parents that the idea came. “What if we made something like Shazam? Kids who discover they had super powers?” I loved it. So that’s what we did. We got a few friends together, got costumes, props, everything we needed. The…

  • Films

    The Universe and You Series – Money Problems

    Got money problems? (If you don’t you can still watch this video) If you do, you’re not the only one. In this short-film you’ll see how a teen girl is wondering how to spend her money. But when the Universe comes to her aid, she finds out, maybe there are other ways to make money. It was in Canada. My family and I had been watching an inspirational series by Kyle Cease. He talks a lot about how the universe is always trying help you realize your potential while you ignore it. One night my mom and I came up with this wacky idea. What if we did a video series…

  • Films

    Peril of the President Mini Movie

    The President is in danger! There is no escape. Only the hope of a brave security officer who might be able to save the day. What will happen? Find out in Peril of the President! Here’s a bit of the story behind the thriller. The Camp David scene was in the lobby of the community center we were staying at. But a group of kids were already in the lobby so we couldn’t shoot cause they’d be too loud and get in the shots. The other option was to do it at our house which I didn’t want to do cause it didn’t capture what I had in mind. So…

  • Films

    The Universe and You series

    Have you ever wished for something and then when the opportunity arises, you give all the excuses why not to do the thing you wished for? Well that’s what this is about. In this new series we give powerful points in funny scenes. Today it’s Cake Day! It was in Canada. My family and I had been watching an inspirational series by Kyle Cease. He talks a lot about how the universe is always trying help you realize your potential while you ignore it. One night my mom and I came up with this wacky idea. What if we did a video series about the Universe? We had so much…