Mindvalley Teen Video
I enjoy creating films, promos, mini movies, and all sorts of other films. And at Mindvalley University I had a plan to make one. (If you’ve read my blog, you’ll know I mention Mindvalley a lot) It had been two weeks in. I had filmed a few of the talks and parties so that I could put it together into my video.
My original plan was to make a video about the Mindvalley experience as a whole until my Mom suggested to do a video just about the Teens. So that’s what I did. I interviewed the teens and teachers filming them in action. And believe me when I say there was a lot of action.
But guess what? It got even better. All the Mindvalley youth programs were doing a finally performance on the big stage to show what we’ve learned and done. All the other groups had an act but we still needed to find something for the teens. That’s when I offered to show my Teens of Tomorrow video I’d been editing and they said it would be perfect!
On top of that I got to speak onstage to start off the show! I almost didn’t. But after talking with multiple friends and my mom I just did it, and I am so glad I did. I got one of those professional head mic’s and spoke in front of the entire audience. It was a full house. Standing room only. It felt like all of Mindvalley University was there.

As my video played on the big screen I felt overwhelming joy. Imagine every good word mashed into one. That’s what it felt like. Afterwards many teens and adults came up to me, congratulating me for my work and filmmaking skills. Even the CEO complimented me.
It was an awesome day. It showed me what was possible. All I had to do was trust in the opportunities that showed up and act on them. What big things are awaiting you if you stick with your passions and go with the flow? No matter who you are or what your age, you’ve got big things in store.

That was such an amazing moment. One you will remember forever!