LEGO Hamilton Musical

Inspired by the broadway musical Hamilton, I’ve built this LEGO recreation of Lin Manuel’s master piece.

It was great fun recreating the grand broadway stage and its detail. Before I’ve created LEGO models of movies, historical sights but this is my first musical. I wanted to have everything from the staircase to the turning floor in the center where the final duel takes place. The characters were fun to make as well as I wanted the mini figures to resemble the original cast of the musical.

A quick backstory to the making of the musical. Lin Manuel Miranda while acting in the musical In The Heights came across a big thick book about Alexander Hamilton. He was so enthralled in the story that inspiration sparked and the idea of Hamilton’s America was born. He set to work creating the song that would become the first of the hit soundtrack. Later, he got the opportunity to share his creation in front of the president at a spoken word event at the White House. They loved it. As the years passed he wrote more and more songs as the opening night of the show neared.

7 months before the big day he and the cast had their first rehearsal and had to mesmerize all the music in a week, not including the songs still in production. In 2015 the musical which had taken 5 and a half years made it to broadway and was a huge hit. Since then Miranda has composed music for movies like Moana, the upcoming live action remake of the The Little Mermaid and has acted in the 2019 Mary Poppins Returns.

I loved “My Shot” at designing this LEGO reaction of the Hamilton Musical. Stay tuned for more LEGO posts and blogs.


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