Young Achievers

The Young Achievers Series

What do you want to be when you grow up? It’s a question we probably have all been asked as kids. The question implies that when I grow up I’ll do this or that. Why not right now? Who is stopping you from starting?

At the age of 8, I traveled to Europe for the first time. At the age of 12, my family and I became nomadic, traveling across America before spending five months in seven countries around Europe.

Since then I traveled to nine new countries in 2019, wrote two books, created a video about Mindvalley University that has been shown on their platforms which have over 735k followers, met incredible people, and a whole lot more.

Young Achievers is going to be a continuing series where every month I’ll introduce three young accomplishers and write an article about each one. This world is rapidly evolving and young imaginative minds are everywhere waiting to brought into the spotlight. One of them might be you.

In this article I’ll show you some Young Achievers who, at a young age started dreaming big and how it’s not too late, nor too early for you to start.

Tom Holland

Born in 1996, the famous actor at age 23 has already been in 22 movies including Spider-Man Homecoming, Spies in Disguise and Avengers Endgame. At 15, he landed his first role. In 2019, he got the role of Spiderman in Captain America Civil War later staring in the first Marvel Studios Spiderman movie which earned an income of $800 million worldwide…Yeah.

So you can see, there is nothing that says young people can’t accomplish great things until they are older. And Tom Holland isn’t the only one.

Christopher Paolini

The Quill award winning writer Christopher Paolini is renowned for his book Eragon. But you might also know that he started the first draft of the book by age 15. Four years later he self-published Eragon before landing a major publishing deal. He now has a net worth of $25 million.

This is another example that even at a young age you can create something incredible.

Lindsey Stirling

If you haven’t see this hip-hop violin dancing phenomenon, you should. Lindsey Stirling is known for her skills at combining upbeat violin music with dancing.

At a young age she had a fascination with dancing. She would later become a quarter finalist in America’s Got Talent and release more than 8 albums.

These are only three of many achievers who didn’t wait until they were “grown up” to start living their dreams. So I ask you the question. What’s holding you back? Who is to say you can’t start now? You may have thought doing what you love for a living could only be possible when you were an adult.

But that’s not true. Why should you wait to turn your dreams into reality? Youth didn’t stop any of the Young Achievers, and it doesn’t need to stop you. Every one one of us has potential.

In my next article in this series, I’ll go into more detail about the story of these achievers. Who are the young achievers that inspire you? Let me know in the comments.

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