2020 Week 15 Recap
Its time for another YouCanCallMeJoshua week recap! I hope you’re hanging in there during this time of self isolation. As the famous quote says, yesterday is history, tomorrow’s a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.
For me, I’m half way through the Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja series, I had great calls with friends and family, tried out some new recipes, and got to watch some awesome surfers (I’m in Hawaii if you didn’t know). It was stunning. The sun was setting, the waves were massive, and there were about 20 surfers out on the water. Some did flips and other stunts, able to ride the wave for quite awhile. It was fun to see.

Leave any highlights from your week in the comments below!
Last weeks posts…
How To Make Your Own Turmeric Immunity Shot
I’d like to mention a great workout app called DownDog. You usually have to pay, but because of the virus, you can get it for free! Its really cool! You can choose the length, the level of difficulty, which part of your body you want to work on, and the app puts it all together in a video to exercise to. I’ve done it at least every other day now and I’m really enjoying it.

Coming up next week…
- A joke about pie
- Young Achiever Terence Tao