2020 Week 12 Recap
It’s time for the 12th, 2020 Week Recap! Another week has passed! Whether you’re quarantined at home, or… well most of the world is quarantined, so there really isn’t an option, but I think we can we can still find opportunities to find joy, and creativity.
For me, I’ve enjoyed listening to my audiobooks, called a few friends, built some awesome LEGO sets, watched the movie Onward, with actor Tom Holland, and attended another online dance party, hosted by my friend, ShoeBoxMoses, AKA Sammy. Leave any highlights from your week in the comments below.
Here are all my previous posts…
Ranger’s Apprentice, The Movie

Coming up next week…
A joke about horses
Young Achiever Natalie Portman
ShoeBoxMoses Online Dance Party Promo

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